rajleoni on "When did your doc take you off bedrest?"
I've seen 2 doctors and they both told me opposite things. One didn't want me to go back to work until at least 34 weeks, with cervical lengths done until then, the other who I saw yesterday said that...
View Articlekyanos2 on "Domperidone question"
Hi everyone, I know a few of you are taking domperidone and was just wondering about your experience with it. Did it work for you? and Did you have any side-effects?Some of you may know from a previous...
View ArticleLorenzo on "savings on online purchases"
Someone here posted about Retailmenot.com a while ago - and I've been meaning to say THANK YOU! Now, I never buy anything online without checking there first! I just saved $44 on a purchase today and...
View Articlejovelyn on "D&C or m/c naturally"
DH & I did a FET on 7/31 with BFP on 8/11 and doubling #s on 8/13. We were scheduled for the first u/s at 7w, but we were out of town on vacation. Yesterday we went in for the u/s at 8w and the RE...
View ArticleMohamed on "Help! PIO - Phobia!! Suppository-success, anyone?"
Has anyone had success using Progesterone suppositories vs. PIO shots??I've searched through threads and haven't seen this fully debated. I realize most RE's don't want to take a chance, so they stick...
View Articlemedman on "can someone please help me?"
Hello there, I am not sure if this is the correct thread but could someone please help me with my BBT chart? My last period was on Jan 11th. The website I used said that I ovulated on 4rth but then...
View Articlemiracle on "Round ligament pain"
Anyone have any secrets for dealing with round ligament pain? I am 24.5 weeks and it is just excruciating sometimes. There seems to be no warning most of the time - I sometimes get it just from getting...
View Articlenikkav on "Feel Horrible For This...."
hi. ive never posted here before. i have a beautiful dd after 3 yrs ttc and a vanishing tin early with her. had this been my 1st pregnancy, maybe it'd be sort of different. we took a huge risk with her...
View Articleharokal on "crazy question but do you think resting laptop on your belly is...
i rest my laptop on my abdomen while watching tv and surfing around (like now) do you think this is harmful in any way?
View Articlem_tsintsif on "When Does Donor Sign Contract"
I am cycling at SDFC and their policy is to have the donor bring in signed consent forms on the day of their baseline U/S. To tell you the truth that makes me a bit nervous. What happens if the donor...
View ArticleMentar on "Why do I need an HSG if I am doing IVF? child mentioned"
Okay. So we are planning another fresh IVF cycle. We have a dd from our 2nd attempt, so we were lucky to have it work. My dh and I carry recessive mutations of the cf gene, so IVF with PGD is our only...
View Articlequattrox7 on "Isotoner/Totes Fires BFing Mom"
salon.comThis disgusts me. I've written to the company and am trying darn hard to start a boycott! (customeraffairs@totes.com or Media relations at awalters@northlich.com)I personally won't be buying...
View Articletenmya21 on "pg from IUI after Hsg"
did you become pregnant after your Hsg? and if so, please post and tell me how many more IUIs you did after the Hsg. thanks!! IUI #6 coming up!Hsg tomorrow.
View ArticleLavinia on "New funding for the World Frozen Egg Bank in Arizona"
Though I would post this. I just saw this on another website:medicalnewstoday.com/articles/142377.phpI love the idea of frozen egg donors, but it still scares me a little.
View Articleckoula on "Does anyone know?"
Has anyone had, or does anyone know someone who's had, 2 successful fresh IVF attempts after the age of 40? Just had a BFN from my 1 frozen embryo leftover from my DD batch, and I'm trying to decide if...
View Articlesalex on "Anyone ever think of payback (hypothetical crossing over mentioned)"
From my recent thread/posts, you can probably tell I am in a pretty bitter mood since yesterday's s*cker punch, and it has made me think about a topic that I fantasize about sometimes (I even have full...
View Articlelykartem on "Whose FIL is cheating on terminal MIL?"
I'm so sorry but the poster is escaping me at the moment and I was wondering how things were going with everyone in the family?I had my iron infusions in the chemo unit and a mid to late 40's couple...
View Articleanabela on "Does the hurt ever get better?"
We have tried for years to have a second child. Did 2 Ivfs with my eggs and in Feb did our first IVF with DE. BFP! WOOHOOO!!!! got off to a rocky start with slow rising betas but they kept rising. went...
View Articlenoulis on "need advice"
Im 40 and gearing up for IVF, first attempt.I had a laporoscopy in March as RE felt it necessary to make sure there were no issues that could affect successful IVF attempts. In the procedure he...
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