lynda2008 on "Arsehole attorney part 2..."
I am so upset about this. His email to me:Im waiting to hear from the judge. It seems that you have no intention to pay any amount for the extra time that has been spent on your case. Additionally, I...
View Articlezebra on "Dr. Katayama passed away- child mentioned"
I'm so sad that Dr. Katayama passed away. He helped me to have my little boy, and I know of five other women he helped. Here's the site's posting- Advanced Institute of Fertility
View Articleferda on "Asian going through DE process"
I don't know how many out there going through similar situation to ours. Both my husband and I are Chinese living in the United States. I am 41.3 and my husband 45.9 years old. We've gong through hell...
View ArticleAnastasios on "Shipping embies from clinic to clinic"
succ mentionedHi ladiesThis isn't technically a DEmbies question, but I was thinking you would all know best. We have 6 frosties at CCRM from a DE cycle, and we would like to use them to TTC #2 in the...
View ArticleGRISTINAMOISI on "Diapers that leak during the night"
I can't keep my DS dry at night. He's 2y5m and every night at midnight I change his diaper and his shirt and pants are absolutely soaked right around the waist area. I've tried Huggies Overnights, I've...
View Articlechiara on "Breastfed baby drinks bottle way to fast...suggestions?"
Hi! I am breast feeding my 6 week old son but sometimes he gets a breast milk bottle. The problem is that he literally finishes a 3 oz. bottle in 3 minutes. We take the bottle out of his mouth to try...
View ArticleSpartali on "Reminders of things that are good"
My DH is on his way home and called to see if I want anything, obviously knowing this is not a great day for me. He said "I think you need a treat - how about some spaghettios?" (okay so it's a little...
View Articleshackour on "Twin smaller ever have this with good outcome?"
Hi everyone, I went for my 7wk ultrasound. Twin A had a good HB (140) and measured 6w 6days (what I am), but twin B measured only 6w 2days and my Re was not sure he could see a HB. The sac is...
View Articleenrike on "Could it be my water?? HELP..."
Ok girls, I am only 20 weeks pregnant with twins. A little while ago I had a gush of fluid. It soaked my panties and went threw my pants. Here is the thing, my husband and I had sex about 2 hours...
View Articlemilesrbinovski on "3 year old can barely jump?"
Paranoid mom question here.My DS turned 3 last month and he can still barely jump. If he broad jumps it's only a few inches and if he jumps straight up it's only a few inches. I think DD was leaping...
View ArticleOlga_Barclay on "Another twin BFing question re: latching"
Ok ladies, So here is my predicament. I have twins who will be 3w on Monday. In the hospital, I would BF, but the girls would only suck for about 5-8 min and then stop from exhaustion. We would then...
View Articlemarvax2005 on "PIO - How Long?"
I will be going for my upcoming DEIVF transfer hopefully next week. I of course will be doing PIO? For those of you who got a BFP and were/are doing PIO shots? How long typically does your RE have you...
View Articlesamar_h on "DE at SDFC"
Hi, this may be raised earlier but I am wondering if anyone has done a DE cycle at SDFC recently, using its in-house donor, and if so, how the experience has been? In particular, if you were doing a DE...
View Articlenmountakis on "Any experiencing bloating and abdomen pain after transfer?"
Has anyone had bloating and ab pain after transfer? I have what feels like major bloating and I guess it doesnt help with the constipation. i have been taking metamucil but the meds doesnt help.
View ArticleJDPratts on "IVF with Clomid - anyone BTDT?"
Hi,I have 2 failed IVFs under my belt (low follies on each).Now my doc is recommending taking Clomid during the IVF cycle. I'm just wondering if anyone has BTDT?Also, this will be a back-to-back cycle...
View Articlefatsea on "cars with enough space for twins?"
We're having twins in December and, frankly, my Audi TT won't cut it :-). We're starting to look at cars that might be suitable for our new situation. Initially we wanted a small SUV type car, like the...
View Articlekifisia on "considering DE at NYU - advise"
helloI'm considering the DE route at NYU, anyone have experience, advise??thanks
View Articleetabeta on "Not Ready To Wean.."
I made the mistake of telling my mom that I would wean DS at 1yr..she cant wait. But, we are happily nursing day and night on demand. He even eats3 meals..10am it's oat cereal w/fruit, 2:30 it's more...
View Articlemauro on "How many did you transfer Fresh or FET."
Just curious to no these details please. (sorry the graph is a bit wrong lol)Would you mind just mentioning how many you transfered please.And any info you care to add, will help us all.1st cycle 9...
View ArticleVanikioti on "Seattle DE Experiences?"
Hi Ladies - I'm considering working with a donor out of Seattle. Does anyone have any good or bad experiences from Seattle clinics?Appreciate any thoughts.Jen
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