sonia57 on "Cold medicine while BF'ing?"
Is there any cold medicines I can take while BF'ing? I have a terrible cold and really need some good sleep tonight. Going on my third day of being on my own and DH will finally be home tonight, so I...
View Articledates on "Constipation - Bfp"
I am on day 2 after a 3 day transfer. I was put on 24 hours of bedrest and told not to use my abdominal muscles. However, the constipation I have had in the last 24 hours has been tremendous and if it...
View Articletorleif on "Horrible betas, but saw heartbeat??"
I've spend the last 2 weeks in beta hell, but then we saw the baby and sac (both measuring small) and a tiny flicker of a heartbeat (could see it, but couldn't hear it yet). RE says "don't get hopes...
View Articlem_tsintsif on "SDFC vs. La Jolla IVF"
Does anyone have any experiences they can share about what clinic is better for DE cycle? I recently heard that La Jolla IVF has a fantastic DE program and high success rates.I was leaning toward SDFC...
View Articlehassan on "planning for a cycle"
I'm planning for an upcoming first cycle. I'm going to be on low-dose Lupron and then Follistim. I start the Lupron 1 week after my LH surge. I know it varies by person/cycle, but what's the range of...
View ArticleParco_Gallipoli on "Feeling cranky and angry a lot"
Hi all,I am wondering if anyone else is feeling this way. I am thrilled about my twin pg. and really looking fwd to it. However, emotionally I am just feeling awful. Very moody all the time, easily...
View Articlecpapazi on "NYC next week. 2 concerns."
We are headed to NYC next week....Definitely nervous. Very nervous about the CVS (three needles into each sac scares the hell out of me..both the pain and the risks) and about the SR and the emotional...
View Articleginocorfiatis on "have 5 day old, and older dd giving me super hard time!"
New baby dd is home, and my precious older dd age 3 1/2 is giving me the hardest time. I am recovering from a c-section, have a cold, and am sleep deprived. Just coughing while having this incision has...
View Articleckoula on "Does anyone know?"
Has anyone had, or does anyone know someone who's had, 2 successful fresh IVF attempts after the age of 40? Just had a BFN from my 1 frozen embryo leftover from my DD batch, and I'm trying to decide if...
View Articlesophoapz on "1dp5dt - already crazy"
my god. i have been on the computer now for what, 8 hours? all on forums and embryo transfer rates, etc etc the h&(l am i going to concentrate for work if I keep doing this?My apologies...
View ArticleMONIK on "Donor Embryo cycles"
Hello - DH and I have been on the Cooper IVF list and have actually went through one unsuccessful FET (I learned some lessons there) and would like to connect with others for are considering or are...
View Articlethodorisl on "How many times and what do you eat when you are carrying...
My main job as of now is to take care of myself for the babies sake. I sleep, eat, drink as much water as possible and run to the bathroom every 20 minutes. I try to eat very often but it is so hard...
View ArticleNellam on "My baby girl has arrived!"
Hi there,Just thought I'd post that we had our girl on Dec. 2nd at 5:25am, she was 7lbs2ounces and 19 3/4 long. Water broke at midnite and 30hrs later I was still only 4centimeters so had to have a...
View Articlebornat on "How to completely wean a 15 month old?"
15 month old DD is finally night weaned and sttn (hoorah!) - has been for about 2 weeks. During the week, since I'm at work, she only nurses 2ish times a day - in the morning right after she wakes up,...
View ArticleShazp on "success stories with DHEA?"
I am wondering if I can find some first-hand success stories with help of DHEA? I have high FSH 16.8 and low AMH 0.25. My latest IVF cycle failed with only 1 out of 8 eggs fertilize via ICSI. Although...
View Articlechiara on "Breastfed baby drinks bottle way to fast...suggestions?"
Hi! I am breast feeding my 6 week old son but sometimes he gets a breast milk bottle. The problem is that he literally finishes a 3 oz. bottle in 3 minutes. We take the bottle out of his mouth to try...
View ArticleNezam on "MRI/ Placenta Previa"
I was diagnosed with placenta previa at my 18 week ultrasound.. Was told not to worry because they almost always move. Well, am in the 10% that didn't. It's a complete previa. My OB is sending me for...
View Articleluciabogoni on "Cornell DE program"
hello, can any one share w me the detailed cost of a DE cycle at Cornell pls. also, do they find their donors through agencies or are they local in NYC? tks
View Articlebolajing on "just got a cerclage"
i just came home from a 2 day hospital stay where they placed a shrodikar cerclage. i lost twins in dec at 16 weeks when i pPROM when baby A sac broke. they said it was due to a sch but after going in...
View Articlejahman on "Using leftover meds in a DE cycle"
Has anyone had any problem getting their clinic to allow them to give their leftover meds to their ED?Also, how did you get the meds to your anonymous donor when you are using an OOT clinic and your...
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