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bakar on "Final scan today - it confirmed"


In went for my 2nd scan last week when I got the news that our baby had passed (I was 8w6d) after seeing it doing well 2 weeks before.
I have a d&c scheduled for tomorrow but went in for one final scan today. It has been a difficult week. I have been asking for prayers from everyone that they missed the heartbeat last time and our baby is alive. Instead of answering my prayers I believe God gave me the strength to deal with this.
Our baby today measured 7mm (aged at 6w5d) so just slightly bigger then our first scan 3 weeks ago. I knew then that there isn't a doubt that the baby is gone. Though I am saddened by the news I am glad I went for the closure. It has allowed me to accept the diagnosis and proceed with the d&c tomorrow. I am grateful for the few months that I was able to be pregnant with this baby. Even though it gives me great saddness now, I allowed me to be happy for 2 months while I was going through a bad time. I really believe that that was this baby's purpose all along and the next time I get pregnant that the baby will stay. I am booked for another ivf consult on July 8 so hopefully by the end of the summer we will be able to try again.

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