I was hoping someone who has gone through this can give me some feedback.
I had a scan at 6.5 days and while the sac is growing there is nothing else. So the assumption is that it is a blighted ovum.
Yet I still have all the pregnancy symptoms (nausea etc).
I need to wait to have another scan at 8 weeks to confirm (as my beta was very delayed in showing and the first scan showed the sac was 5 days behind) there may be one chance in a million (or at least that is what I think) that there is an embryo growing but just a very late implanter - is that possible?
Anyway, to be honest I am very doubtful and wish it would just end rather than this protracted endless wait.
How does a blighted ovum in such cases end. Is it a natural miscarriage at some later date? Or do I just go on 'being pregnant' until a D&C.
My doctor is not discussing this with me yet as she says to keep hopeful (which is sweet but annoying) as I find being hopeful very upsetting and would rather not be and go on to planning the next attempt.
As it was DE it is quite rare apparently to have a blighted ovum - but I am hopeful it is just very bad luck!