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Imedf on "PG with Triplets and S/R"


Hi there. I've been lurking on this board for a while. I'm actually a regular poster on IVFC but I had to make up a fake name b/c people on my local board know me IRL and I want this to remain private. I'm sure you all understand.

I've gotten so much good information from this board already and I felt it was time for me to post.

I found out 2 weeks ago that all 3 of my embryos took and I am pg with triplets. This was quite a shock. I already have a 3 year old son from my very first IVF cycle. We started ttc #2 in the beginning of 2008. First I had a chemical and then 2 failed cycles. I did my 4th cycle for #2 in January 2009 with a new clinic and had amazing results (tons of good eggs and embryos - very unlike previous attempts). Because of the previous failures and because I opted for a day 3 transfer, my RE suggested we put back 3 instead of 2. He said the chance of triplets was less than 2%. He also asked me if I would be ok with S/R. I said sure. Not ever thinking I would have to make that decision.

Well, now here I am. Financially, it would be a huge strain on us to have all 3 but I didn't want to let finances get in my way. DH have been going back and forth. At first, it was so cool. Triplets! But then reality set in. Then, I went to the high risk doctor. I cannot carry triplets. He said he cannot force me to do the s/r but, I had preclampsia with my son and the chances of getting it with triplets is high. I also tested postive for several immunity issues which could also trigger preclampsia. It's just not safe for me to carry all three.

The rest of the appointment was bitter sweet. I got to see all 3 babies and hear all 3 heartbeats. I probably shouldn't have but I did.

So, the plan is to do the CVS in my 12th week (end of March) and then, once the results come back, do the s/r. I am just devastated. I can't stop crying whenever I think about it. It's horrible but I'm praying that things happen naturally. I feel like I can't even enjoy my pregnancy. I just hate this waiting. If I know I am going to s/r, why do we have to wait so long???? I know it's because of the CVS testing but I just want this over with.

To make matters worse, while my family has been super supportive, DH's family hasn't been. They flipped out, to say the least. They aren't worried about my health or the babies, it's all about money to them. I tried explaining that just because I am pg with triplets, doesn't mean I am having triplets. It was like in one ear and out the other. All they care about is how we are going to manage with 3, afford 3, blah, blah, blah. DH told his mother how she upset me so what does she do??? She calls me again and starts yelling at me about how stupid we were to put back 3 and so on. She just will not listen to reason. This was our 4th attempt. We listened to our RE. We knew what the consequences could be. My FIL hasn't even spoken to me about it. After a week, my MIL finally asked how I was feeling. We are not telling them about the s/r. We'll just tell them we lost one. I'm sure they'll be happy.

Well, I'm sorry if I'm rambling. My head is just spinning all the time. Thanks for listening.

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