I know-kind of crazy. Our first DS is named Nikos (Greek name) Simon to honor my father's Greek roots. My Mom and DH's entire family are Polish. We would like to go w/a Polish first or middle name. Thoughts on these or additional ideas.
(our last name is 3 syllables-so a 2 syllable first name preferred).
Maksym (pronounce MAK-seem in Polish--we would pronouce it Maxim)
**would likely be Max for short from the get go--but how would you spell it?--Maks or Max
Jacek (pronounced YAH-sik in Polish-we would pronounce as JAY-sik--Jace for short)
OR--skip Polish first name and do Polish middle name?
My husband likes the name Quinn--however I see it as a girl name.
Any input greatly appreciated!!