I am so upset right now with my clinic in my hometown. They did not do my DEIVF - I travelled out of town for that.
I just had my transfer on Tuesday.
I was asked by my RE to have a bloodwork and ultrasound today and the ultrasound is to check my lining.
Well the clinic here refuses to do the ultrasound and says it is not their policy or protocol.
The IVF nurse told me we will just assume that my lining has "converted". Does anyone know what that means? I am so angry that the clinic here won't help me and now I"m worried my lining has not converted.
For those of you who have had a transfer did you always have your lining checked afterwards. Anyone "not" have their lining convert.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
kkurtz on ""Let's assume your lining converted" question"