mariamiranda on "Double stroller for children close in age"
When DC #2 comes, DD #1 will be about 19 months. I am trying to figure out if it would be smart to buy a double stroller. Part of me thinks it will be great, part of me wants to avoid it. I don't think...
View Articlemuiti on "Rules for the Donor Eggs Board"
This board is for discussion by egg donors. Do NOT post messages seeking a donor, offering to be a donor or seeking financing. These posts will be deleted as soon as they are brought to our attention...
View Articlesimonsimon on "Cheaper Egg Donors"
This might sound like a dumb question but I know some areas are wealthier than others and I am thinking IVF/donor eggs might be cheaper there. Does anyone know anything about this?
View Articlepeter.ivanic on "Anyone cycling in January?"
I am starting my lupron on January 5th....this is our first DE cycle.
View Articlekari on "Breastfeeding with no ovaries"
I am a 30 year old 25 weeks pregnant from donor embryos. I had both ovaries surgically removed due to endometriosis and endometriomas. Is there anyone out there who does not have their ovaries or who...
View Articleantoine_t on "Managing feelings when others around get pregnant so EASY...How...
So nervous...My wife and I are attempting IVF (1st time) after losing momo twins, normal miscarriage, and then not able to get pregnant for 2 1/2 years. Switched doctors after we were not getting any...
View Articleguliz84 on "Waiting list at Cornell: why so long?"
Just curious, why are the waiting list at Cornell so long? Do they not have a large pool of donors perhaps?BTW, I am a former Cornell patient. We are using a gestational carrier which is illegal in NY...
View Articlepitoufina on "If You Give A Mom A Muffin"
If you give a mom a muffin,shell want a cup of coffee to go with it.Shell pour herself some.Her three year old will spill the coffee.Shell wipe it up.Wiping it up shell find dirty socks.Shell...
View Articlesimonsimon on "the best due date calculator ever"
I am googling baby stuff today instead of doing something useful. This is a great due date calculator... tells you all kinds of other thing like test dates etc so I thought others might want to know...
View Articlerewebis on "gestantional diabetes--worried"
I just failed my GD screening and am scheduled next week for the 3 hour test. I am nervous that I do have GD becuase looking back over the past few weeks I have stopped gaining weight (but the babies...
View ArticleChahira on "Fertility Grants??"
I was searching Financial IVF/ Egg donor stuff on the web and came across Fertility Grants and wondering if these are legit and if anyone has ever used them? Thanks!!
View Articleivangjeli on "niece pg again"
I posted about my 22 year old niece being pg about a year ago. She had a miscarriage around 16 weeks. Not sure how far along she was before she miscarried. She only saw a dr. twice. Since she had a...
View Articlecompteabdou on "Weaning with PG symptoms"
Hi.Anyone wean slowly and have symptoms that you're pg? I've HPTd and it's saying no, but I've got alot of pg symptoms. I've ramped back on the pumping from three times to two times waited two weeks...
View Articlepeter.ivanic on "Who do you like at SDFC"
I am starting at SDFC. Is there a consensus on who is better - Dr. Hummel or Dr. Kettel? Thanks!
View Articlelykartem on "What would you do with $25,000?"
A spin off of Riggs post made me think about what would I do with $25,000 if someone handed it to me? Ok, so I still don't have an answer but I'll ponder it a while and come back with an answer.What...
View Articlekaitifra on "All done!"
This morning was my last pump - yay! And it really, for sure was because I gave my pump to my SIL who has a micro-preemie and whose insurance changes on April 1 and will no longer cover a pump rental....
View Articlepavlikak on "Gonal F"
Hi all, This is my first IVF cycle and I'm now a five days into the Gonal F shots and my stomach is feels swollen and tender. Is this normal? Does anyone know if it ok to aspirin or advil for this...
View ArticleZagas on "weird question"
this is a totally weird and random thought but i had my blood test this morning and i know it's going to come back negative and i am of course reviewing every little thing i did over the 2ww. would...
View Articlelevelgreen on "No follicular growth!!"
Hi, this is my first IVF cycle, I´m on day 6 of Merapur and have been with Lupron 17 days. My US today showed no follicular growth, they told me to continue with the Merapur shots and on monday would...
View ArticleAnastasios on "Shipping embies from clinic to clinic"
succ mentionedHi ladiesThis isn't technically a DEmbies question, but I was thinking you would all know best. We have 6 frosties at CCRM from a DE cycle, and we would like to use them to TTC #2 in the...
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