hi there,
I just started my first IVF stimming cycle tonight. I have used Gonal F in the past, as well as the Ovidrel to trigger for IUI cycles, so I'm used to the injecting thing.
Well, when I did the Lupron for the first time tonight, it stung like heck going in, and continued to sting afterwards for like 15-20 min. I broke out into a panic sweat for fear I have used the wrong amount, etc etc. Gonal stings sometimes if I'm injecting high dosages, but not like this! I was told to do 20 units diluted Lupron in sterile water. I feel like I got the amounts correct....
Has this happened to anyone else? I just told DH about my episode and he was very sympathetic, but now he has conked out on the couch and is snoring. Some help he is if I were to keel over!
thanks in advance,