successful pg, not mine mntnd.
just rolling this over in my mind. so far 7 embies have been transferred from a donor who had twins on the fresh.
those 7 embies were frozen on d2 and transferred d2 equivalent. all bfn. they seem to have good cell # survival but be somewhat fragmented. there are 9 left, i wanted to go to blast with them but my re is really a d2 person, and their lab does have excellent stats on fresh and frozen d2 transfers, and he's discounting my cycle.
i guess what i'm thinking about is, don't the odds say that out of the 16 embies that were donated, from a 30 yr old proven donor ( seems to have been MF, no pcos or known egg issue) that there would be something left?
i'm transferring next week so i can't change re's or anything radical. i'm just leaning towards thawing 5 ( they are frozen in one vial of 4, a vial of 2 and a vial of 3) and transferring whatever is left on d2.5. with 7 transferred so far and nada, i just have so little expectation. plus, the 'better ' embies have already been transferred, whats left is largely 2 and 3 cells and mid-grade.
what do our more seasoned GBB'ers think? thaw 4, or thaw 5?