I had my twins at 27 weeks...they are now 3 yo and doing great. We are ready to try again and while we know that I clearly have IC, we just don't know for sure if that is what eventually caused me to deliver early. I also had a BV infection, chorionamnionitis, UTI, bicornuate uterus (septum was resected), and a large clot in one of the placentas. Any one or all of the above could have contributed to my early delivery, but it's like which came first, the chicken or the egg? No one knows what caused what and was my ultimate demise.
Needless to say we are excited and scared about doing this again. Clearly we will be doing SETs to do everything possible to avoid multiples. Of course, one embie can split, we are aware of that possibility, just hoping it doesn't happen and if it does...we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
So a couple questions:
1. If you have had a second trimester loss and/or preemie(s), what measures did your peri/MFM put in place for subsequent pregnancies? Did they work?
2. Which kind of preventative cerclage did you get? What would you recommend? (I had a McDonald rescue cerclage with my twins)
Thanks ladies!
Mommy to J & M, 3 yo!