my clinic called me today.they have a batch of 13 embryos , and here are the stats- this clinic does fresh day 2 transfers, and they freeze on day 2 as well. i know thats weird, but they have a great embryologist, great stats ( i'm including he sart link) and they have found they have their best results on day 2, so.
this came from a a 30 year old donor ( genetic mother) and her husband was 26 at the time- IF dx is slight male factor- no known female factor. they transferred 2 on the fresh, and had twin boys, then donated 16 remaining embies. another couple took them , thawed 3, 3 survived and were transferred but the cycle was bfn- that couple is now donating them b/c they are divorcing.
so, we know that they are proven, that so far there is a 100% thaw rate, they donor was young with no apparent egg factor. they are actually pretty similar in height / weight to both me and dh, and the nurse said they are a 'very very good looking couple' although i could care less about that.
the embies are as follows:
as far as the number scale, nurse says almost all pregnnacies there come from a gradde 2, they rarely see grade ones.
1- 4 cell grade 2 ( this is the equiv. of an 8 cell on day 3)
1- 3 cell grade 2+ ( so between a 2 and a 1)
1 -3 cell grade 2
4 -2 cell grade 2+'s
2- 2 cell grade 2's
5 2 cell grade 3's.
the nurse said that SHE would take the set, and the embryologist said " i would never pass over this set". and that the fact 3 out of 3 thawed and survived, plus the fact that the fresh resulted in healthy twins, was really good.
it seems like out of all of these i could expect one live birth- i can pass on this and stay at the top of the list , but she said she rarely sees sets this big and there is no guarentee one down the line will be any 'better'.
i'd love some insight from those of you who are more exyoungihmienced at this, this is my first shot at donor embies. i really want my one time to count.