I can't keep my DS dry at night. He's 2y5m and every night at midnight I change his diaper and his shirt and pants are absolutely soaked right around the waist area. I've tried Huggies Overnights, I've tried Pampers Baby Dry 12-hour, I've tried the night time underpants from several brands and NOTHING works. He goes to sleep at 7:30 PM and by midnight his diaper is usually semi-full (but not overly full) but the problem is around his waist. I always make sure to point his penis \"down\" before I fasten the diaper, but somehow his waist area is always soaked. It's very frustrating because the rest of the diaper holds up well, but we are having a problem in that area alone. I then have to do a full pj change at that time also because his tummy area is all wet. I've also tried going \"up a size\" but he already wears a size 6 during the day so it's difficult to find a size 7 diaper. And again, he doesn't seem to need a \"bigger\" diaper, I just don't know why the diaper is leaking around the waist. I've also tried adjusting the diaper a bit tighter and making sure the waist is well above his belly button but nothing helps.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.