i went through 8 IVF's. 3 w/ own eggs and 5 w/ donor eggs. my 2nd DEIVF (FET) resulted in my DD who is 3 1/2 years old. we tried again w/ same donor and fresh failed and both FET's worked but I miscarried both times....fast forward to being an newborn adoption list for over a year and finally near the top of the list, failed open adoption of 22 month old (w/ us for 9 weeks), to today in which I am 10 weeks, 3 days pregnant with NO medical intervention w/ my OWN eggs...... i have learned a lot about control and that I can't control adding to our family no matter how hard i try. i HATED when i heard stories like mine...really have a hard time still today.big hugs to all on this journey. i was on that road a long time before i had to stop due to the losses and the toll on my body.