so I do not pump every day but several times a week if I need to miss a feeding with DS (3 months). I usually get 4-5 oz (that is one side since he alternates sides per feeding.).
So today I knew I would miss 2 feedings - I pumped at 10am on the left and got 5.5 oz BUT when I just tried to pump at 1pm on the right I only had about 1/3 of 1 oz after 20 minutes.
I am feaking out a little. What does this mean. Of course I have no idea how much DS gets when he nurses (he is a BIG boy) but when he gets milk from a bottle he will down 4-5 oz in no time and often I have to give an additional 2 oz as he is still definitely hungry.
why would I get so little at last session?
should I be freaking out?
help any thought?