Hello, I have a 5 week old dd. She is exclusively bf 95% of the time. However, she has received formula a couple of times (5 or less). I have a can of similac powder that is opened and I have used to make approx. 8 oz of formula from. Now, it is approaching the month mark since it has been opened, and I am faced with throwing the rest away (the can says to use it within a month of opening.) I am heading back to work in two weeks and plan to pump but also will be sending a can of concentrated powder to the sitters just in case she needs more to eat than I can pump. But the waste of throwing the extra powder away after a month is really bothering me! How do others deal with this? Would I be better off to buy formula in a different style (liquid, those little two oz bottles, etc) or just deal with throwing that much away? I have started pumping to build up a freezer supply, but it takes a lot of time feed her and pump on top of that.
Thanks in advance!