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nikvasilakis on "RE said "Surrogate". Pg/loss ment."


I just had a D&C for my second missed miscarriage. After my 4th IVF cycle failed (ended in missed m/c), I told my RE, who is not on the immune testing boat, that I wanted to so some immune testing. I did. It was found that I have compound heterozygous MTHFR and tested positive for anticardiolipin antibodies. I was put on Lovenox and Folgard for my FET to help with the issues but the pregnancy still ended. I met with RE for a post op and he says a surrogate may be the way to go because I have had 2 missed m/c and one was on Lovenox and Folgard. He says he has no explanation for why this is happening (and I know he couldn’t) but that the extra folic acid and blood thinner should have done the trick. I just question if he is right. Is it my body? Is it the embryos? Was this 2nd m/c just bad luck? Is there any other testing I can do? Anyone in, or has been in, the same boat?

I’ve got 4 embryos frozen left of 6. Two of those were used for my FET and, looking at the betas, both implanted and then one did not make it and eventually, in the end, both did not. We talked about doing PGD testing with a fresh cycle and I learned that with that only 50% of the chromosomes are tested and that it is a risk to the embryo and those embryos that were tested has a lower implantation rate. So, I don’t think PGD is what I want to do given that and my age and the fact that I don’t know if a fresh cycle is for me again. Surrogacy is just not something I think we can afford. I almost want to do another FET to see if the last loss was luck of the drawl but then since I have so few totsicles I don’t know that I want to take that risks.

Time is running out for me and I just don’t know where to go from here. Any help is appreciated.

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