Hi Ladies,
I am two days away from my transfer with embies from a DE and husbands sperm.
I have tried to proceed with this twice before and backed out before husbands sperm was shipped due to anxiety, fear, worry.
A little history. We have a beautiful DD concieved through our first IVF/PGD cycle when I was 38 after 3 natural m/c's. I found out after the 3rd one that I have a balanced translocation which results in a high rate of m/c and abnormal embies due to my translocation.
After my daughter we went on to do 8 more cycles in attempt for a sibling.
We considered adoption, and DE and I always thought DE was a great solution.
However, after beginning the process earlier this year (I am now 42) I got anxiety and panicked after beginning 2 different cycles. Each time I backed out the anxiety went away, but my desire for a bigger family did not.
I began again in October, with a great donor from the same clinic I had backed out of (they are very patient) have been doing all the protocal for 6 weeks now, and haven't had the same worries until yesterday.
This morning I threw up, either from the hormones or stress from wondering if I am making the right choice. I will be 43 when this baby is born if I do get pregnant and my DD will be 5. I am wondering if I should just be happy with what I was given and move on with my life with her and my husband.
My question, did anyone out there have last minute doubts or concerns but go on to have a happy pregnancy, and are now happy in life with their new little one. HELP! I am getting on a plane in 2 days!
I need to hear that I am not the only one who has gone through this.