Ladies - we all need a good swear in these threads every now and then, but are you frustrated by having to put that stupid * or @ into cr*p to get your point across? Or worse yet, look like a poor speller by writing whoore so you can slip through the crazy IVFC censor filters? Never fear - the "Official IVF Vet Censor-proof Swears Thread" is here. This thread will be a lasting memorial to what swears sail through the filter - so when you're wracking your brain for that youngihmfect censor-busting swear, rest assured, it's probably in here.
Rules for this thread:
Please add any swears you discover that pass through the IVFC censor filter.
Keep your comments to the minimum needed to clarify your swear if necessary.
Bump when necessary.
Take as often as needed - remember, you can't overdose on swears!