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mzor on "2nd beta Feb. 9th with really low first beta"


HELP! My first beta was extremely low on 11dp4dt. It was 18. I've had a chemical before so I pretty much assumed it wouldn't be the outcome we had hoped for. However, my dr wants me back tomorrow for another beta and to stay on all meds. I took HPTs all weekend. Sat it was negative, Sun it was negative when I walked away from it and then when glanced back like an hour later, it had a slight + (can't count that really), and then this morning it is a light positive within the 2 minute time frame. I'm so confused! Is there anyway that it is viable and isn't showing up on HPT until 2 weeks post transfer? I thought people always got their positives on HPT sooner-it wasn't showing up the day I had a 18 beta. Why is this finally showing up so late?
AGHHHHHHHHHHHh! This waiting game continues....
Any advice anyone?

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