Its not like I thought it would be a "sure thing" but after being told my eggs suck for 5 years, and making the hard decision to move to donor eggs, and all of the trials and tribulations that go along with that endeavor (private donation) I thought maybe, just maybe, since the stats are so bloody high, I might catch a break. No such luck. After spending 25,000 my husband and I are pretty say the least.
The plus side of things is that our donor was great - she gave us lots of embryos and we have another 23 on ice. We transferred the best 2 from the first batch of 7 and froze the rest. The doc says we have at least another 6 transfers, but I am feeling so hopeless at this point. Sure, its a nice insurance package to have all these babies on ice, but somehow I see getting to the end of this with nothing. I'm hoping the negativity comes from 5 years of negatives, rather than a subconscious thing.
It was known that my uterine lining was thin...we needed to move quickly because the donor was moving away. I'm thankful we did it on her time frame, because we got such a great result, but my uterus wasn't ready (we think). I was under the impression a good embryo would implant anywhere... its not like my uterus is on fire or anything.
My doc said not to worry...he now wants to do a D&C type procedure, because he suspects my lining isn't thickening due to some past surgeries/scarring (I had a hydro removed and a large septum). He wants to gently scrape the uterus and heal it property (balloon) and then try again.
I'm starting to wonder if I can even get pregnant.
Is there any hope? I would love to hear anyone's stories - successful or otherwise.
Thanks for listening.