I am 43. DH is 39. We are going to have DE IVF in January 2010. This will be our first ART procedure. I had a Tubal in 1991. I was always pretty regular in my menstrual cycle in the past, but it seems the last few months have been a little erratic. My cycles have gone from exactly 28 days to ranging between 17 and 30 +. I am currently on CD 34 and don't seem to be showing signs of starting. Do any of you have this problem? Is it perimenopause? How can you tell? Have you guys needed to use BCP to regulate your cycles? I have to plan 3 or more months in advance for ER/ET because I will be going to the Czech Republic. I am not being followed by a RE in the US, only by my Family Practice Doctor. Any advice would be appreciated.