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esraozmen on "Helf with Gonal F 450 IU Dose"


THis is a basic question, but I was prescribed Gonal F 450 IU dailiy, I bought the gonal F 450 IU mulitdose, where on the vial it says 450, however once mixed with the diluent then give (1cc) and using the syrynge they give you, the liquid then draws up to 600 IU marking. Does anyone know what I should do? Take the full syrynge or push the level down to the 450 marking, which would mean that the liquid dose available after mixing is actually 600 not the 450 as marked on the gonal F vial before mixing..

I dont want to overstimulate myself (this is my first time, and the DR put me on a high dose assuming Im a poor responder cause of age..) Thanks, Victoria

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