Just curious to know if anyone has experience with size discordance. I have a complicated pregnancy and it seems like each week a flag is raised about something (between failing the screening for GD, random bleeding---both false alarms).
At 20 weeks they mentioned the possibility of vasa previa and I've gone for a second opion and they say I have a \"complicated case of placenta previa.\" Baby A's placenta is low lying and is \"bi-lobed\" (in two pieces attached by blood vessals). The blood vessals are close to the cervix... but not over the opening, so it's not exactly a vasa previa. At 24 weeks they told me they would hospitalize me at 32 weeks and deliver at 36 for a c-section. They want to deliver early to avoid labor and bleeding of me or the babies.
Up until 28 weeks things were going \"as planned.\" Regular visits to OB and high-risk guy and babies were growing and no signs of labor. Baby A has always been slightly smaller than baby B.. but at my 28 week appointment the difference in weight had grown from 6% to 15% in two weeks and concern was raised about A slowing down and having to be delivered earlier. They are now in the 37th and 57th percentile weight-wise. I guess if things level off that would be fine, but I am worried that the placenta issue is causing a growth problem for baby A.
I go back at 30 weeks for another growth scan but just wondered if anyone had a similar experience.....