Hey Ladies,
I am hoping some of you can give me some great stories. We just found out our donor is ready to go and she is due to start her meds on April 15th. Unlike a lot of stories, this all happened really fast and I'm a bit freaked out.
We are fortunate to have a 4 yr old DD from an IVF/PGD cycle many moons ago, and made 6 attempts for a sibling for her to no avail. I am 41, about to be 42 and having every last worry you can think of. Please don't think I'm awful for asking these questions.
Will I feel differently about this child? Am I too old for this? Will having a sibling at this point even make a difference for my daughter who will be almost 5 if we are fortunate enough to get pg? What if something is wrong with the baby?
Help, I have never had these thoughts before but now that it is right upon us I am waking up in the middle of the night with these thoughts.