After 4 long years of TTC and IF treatment, we are finally pregnant! With twins! We are very happy and grateful!
We just had our first peri/OB appointment. Our peri told us because I'm pregnant with twins, I'm going to stop working at 26 weeks to avoid potential issues. Having worked so hard for this pregnancy, I'm going to do whatever our peri told me to.
I know at my work, the FMLA leave is 12 weeks. Anything after 12 weeks, I'm not garanteed my job back. I originally intended to go back to work part time after the babies are here, but now it looks like they can deny me because for sure, I will be on leave for more than 12 weeks. Also I will not go back to work 40 hours a week.
I'm wondering what you all did with your twin pregnancy? Did you all quit working after the babies arrive? DH wants me to be happy and do what I want, and financially we are ok if I quit work for a while.
Thank you in advance!