Hi, babynamers. I've followed this forum for years. It doesn't seem as active as it used to, but I'm hoping to get some feedback.
I am 34w+ with a baby boy and I have NO idea what we are going to name this child. This pregnancy has been slightly complicated, and my last pregnancy ended in disaster at 26 weeks, so I (and my doctors) don't really expect to make it to full term. I'm thinking I'm looking at a range of anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks at this point.
When we first found out it was a boy, I went through the SS top 1000 and wrote down any name that I remotely thought was a possibility. Gave the list to DH and he said "No Way" to a few, "Maybe" to a few, and then we put the list away and haven't thought about it since. I just had another look last night, so below is the long list. I can't say any really "grab" me or stand out as the right name for our little boy yet. I'm not opposed to waiting til we see him, but I have to narrow it down to 2 or 3. I can't wait and choose among 20 names!
A bit about my naming "style": I tend to like short (one or two syllable), "spunky" names. I'm not a fan (for myself) of the "classics" (e.g. Joseph, Michael, Benjamin, etc...). Not that they're not nice, just not me. On the other hand, I don't want one that is too trendy or very, very popular. And I also don't care for "made up" names or creative spellings. I'm not big on "fancy" names, and while I'm not opposed to nicknames, I'm not inclined to choose a name based on the nickname I want to use (i.e. I wouldn't choose 'Nathaniel' in order to use the nn 'Nate'). That said, I don't think nicknames are inevitable (I have a friend Elizabeth who has never been anything but Elizabeth). Finally, I'd like a boy's name to sound 'strong', though not necessarily 'macho' if that makes any sense. Yes, I have a few 'outliers' to those preferences on my list, but in general...
I have a 4yo DD, Annika Ela. My twins, born 10/4/07 were Cole Kaya (d.10/26/07) and Lina Belen (d.01/11/08). My DH is Turkish, and we will likely have one 'American' and one Turkish name. Have not ruled out a Turkish name as first name, but following our pattern til now, will likely use the American name as first. I am of Norwegian descent (3rd/4th generation) and wouldn't mind a scandinavian flavor, but don't have any on my list.
I have a few short/4-letter "C" names on the list, and I worry that they are too close to Cole.
Our last name starts with a "C" that is pronounced like a "J" (Turkish). It's 2 syllables with a Z sound in the middle.
Ryan - This is my DD's frontrunner. She's been calling him Ryan for awhile (after Ryan Seacrest - LOL). I think it's a nice, solid name. It was on the common side when I was growing up, I think, so maybe I feel like it's a little boring? I just noticed that while it's "only" #16 on the SS list, it's been top 3 or 4 for the last few years in CT, where I am, so I'm turned off by that.
Cameron - Eh. I like the nn Cam a lot, but not that wild about Cameron. I like the name Camden more, maybe. But DD's BFF's baby sister is named Camdyn (and they planned to use the name for a boy as well), so I don't think I'd go for it.
Ethan - I like this one, and I think DH does too. But it's #3 on the SS list - too popular right now maybe. Though I just noticed that it's "only" at about 18 or so on the CT list for the past few years...so maybe it's not so bad in our area.
Evan - Like it, but I have a vague childhood memory of a brutish kid with this name, I think. So I'm a little turned off.
Julian - Like it, but maybe not "strong" enough.
Tristan - same thought as Julian? I like this one more though.
Jesse - LOVE this name for a boy, but it wouldn't work with our last name at all. Bummer. Can't bear to take it off the list though.
Cody - Like it, but maybe too close to Cole? Also maybe a little too "cowboy"?
Micah - Like it, but don't like the nn Mike at all.
Tanner - I'm not crazy about the last name as first name theme, but there's a Turkish name Taner, so it might be a nice synergy (Taner is pronounced "tahn-air")
Elias - Maybe a little too "fancy" for me
Corey/Cory - Maybe too similar to "Cole"? Also, it does remind me a little of "the Coreys" - there were 2 or 3 child actors named Corey that kind of went on to get themselves in trouble, I think.
Simon - Nice name, but just doesn't really "feel" right.
Sage - I really like this, but I don't think this is one of DH's favorites.
Cade - Another one too close to Cole?
Noah - Again, doesn't really "feel" right, although I like it. The Turkish version of this name is "Nuh" (pronounced "Noo" with a bit of aspiration at the end), which I think is awful.
Owen - Nice, just added this yesterday. Not sure how strongly I feel yet.
Rylan - A nice version of Ryan, but maybe a little too close to "made up" territory? Too feminine?
Noel - Just added this too. The name of the DS of an old HS friend I connected with on FB (not close at all, I don't mind using it). I'm warming to it. But is it again too close to Cole?
So there they are. I told you there were a lot. How are we ever going to narrow them down? The Turkish list is even longer!
Any thoughts on the above, or suggestions for other names are appreciated!