I know this has been asked before, so forgive me.
I just had my 6 month old's 6 month appt. He's about 80% for height and a little over 50% for weight. He started off (9 + pounder) in the 80% for weight. He's "on" his curve and the peditrician assures me that he's gaining appropriatly, just going to be tall and thin. Brennan eats 5-6 times a day (ebf'ing) and 2-3 solids a day.
I will say my twins started out small (4 pounds) and have always teetered in a small range (13-30% for weight and 50-70% for height). DH and I are also both very slender (especially DH, he has 4% BMI I believe?) and taller and the twins are very slender.
My only concern is can my eating and excercise effect his weight gain, or does it just effect the amount of milk you produce? I have never seemed to have a problem with supply and I excercise vigorously 5-6 days a week (spin class and weights). I try and eat as much as I can, but I find it very hard (if not impossible) when DH has been gone a few days to get a lot of food in me juggling the kids.
A typical day for me would be cereal, fruit + milk for breakfast. Today I had a flaxseed rice cake with peanut butter, then yogurt & granola + a few apple pieces. I will probably have some fruit for a snack later than some dinner (maybe tofu, brocoli) and a cup of low-fat ice cream later on. I'm actually not dieting, but I do find it hard to actually COOK when DH is gone?
My SIL mentioned to me yesterday that I seemed to have lost more weight. Can anyone suggest some easy, yet healthy things I could add into my diet to help pump up the healthy fats? I just bought some avacados yesterday.
So I guess this is a two-part question : what more should I be eating (I drink a ton of water) and is it likely that Brennan is just following our genetic footsteps or should I be concerned about his weight gain slowing down so much?