Hi Ladies -
I had to call the dr's office over the weekend due to some issues with my son. I got a different asthma dr than the one I usually see. He made the comment 'He is on a lot of medicine for such a young boy". This is what we take:
Advair 115 - 2 puffs 2x/day
Prevacid 5mg - 1 tab @ night
We were on prendasione this last week and of course, xoponex via a neublizer due to asthma/croup (A lovely combination! UGH!)
Anyway, does the Advair and Prevacid seem like alot? We've had to up our dosages from the Advair 45 and Prevacid 4mg recently...
I am a bit worried about growth, etc. He is only 41/42 #'s, about 44 inches, and is 6 this August. Skinny, but all muscle due to gymnastics, etc.