DS is 3. DD is a week old. We are having HUGE adjustment issues. We have tried to keep DS's routine the same - he still goes to daycare full time. However, he doesn't want to go in the mornings at all and will fight about it and say he doesn't like to go (total lie as he is fine when he gets there). However, it is the evening issues that have me most concerned - he is saying he is lonely. We are trying our best to not rock his world but apparently in our efforts to keep his life normal - we have gone off on the wrong track. He is fighting bed - he says b/c he is scared and lonely. Part of me knows that this is a stalling tactic and part of me is very concerned that a 3 year feels lonely in his own house. We are still doing bedtime the same way we always have - however, I admit I am less involved b/c DD is often feeding when he is getting ready for bed.
I talked with him tonight and just tried to talk about how crazy our house is right now and to assure him that it will settle down and we will all get used to having a new baby. I am trying to give him something to look forward to the next day i.e. tomorrow when he gets home from daycare we will bake muffins together.
Dh is having a huge amount of difficulty dealing with him and that is a big part of the problem IMO. Dh cannot talk him down - instead often (like tonight) gets him even more upset b/c dh feels his is manipulating the situation by stalling. I think he is stalling as well but also feel that if this is the time he expresses concerns i.e. lonely - that we need to let him and talk it through with him.
Any other suggestions......I admit I did not think my independent little boy would have such huge adjustment problems. Prior to DD's arrival, he was a very independent little guy who would self amuse a lot and was great to do his own thing (w/in reason by that I mean we are in the room with him but may not have been directly involved in what he was doing).