Hello ladies,
I've been reading posts here a lot lately, as I am nearing my due date and I'm starting to get anxious about BFing. I was hoping some of you would be able to help me figure out what my options are. I did take a BFing class at my hospital, but DH and I didn't feel it was very helpful ( I learned what a good latch looks like, etc, but nothing specific for twins). I'm also finding that IRL, most of my friends and family formula fed, so I don't have anyone to talk to or get support from there. I do have a lot of questions and would appreciate any feedback I can get!
1. How early were you able to tandem feed your twins?
2. Before they were able to tandem feed, did you feed one, then the other, or did you feed one, and pump and give the other EBM, or did you pump exclusively? What was the "easiest" for you?
3. I am having a c-section, so how long did it take your milk to come in? I already bought some fenugreek to take with me to the hospital, but I'm not sure how much to take and when I can start taking it???
4. Do you have any other tips or suggestions for me?