I transfered 3 5 day blastocysts (2 grade 1A and 1 grade 2 so very high quality - made from donor sperm and eggs - both parties in their 20s and proven donors) on the 3rd of this month. My lining was excellent so the doctor gave me a 70% chance of success and told me to expect multiples. On the 16th my beta was 434 but I was afraid to trust it because I made a stupid mistake and ended up getting badly bruised trying to break up a dog fight and had some bleeding and cramping issues. Thankfully my second beta looks good. It came in at 983 on the 18th so my doubling time is 40.7 hours according to beta base. The problem is I have no idea where to go from there.
My IVF was done outside the country so I am using my local ob/gyn. He is very helpful when I can get him but he is always out and his nurse is a gorgon so I am having a hard time getting to talk to him because I can't get past her. She practically refused to give me my beta numbers and I had to be stubborn with her to get them. (I think I am their first IVF patient so she is not entirely to blame) She just does not quite get the implications of the process and actually told me to "relax, women get pregnant all the time" and informed me I was "over complicating" the process. You know how stupid that sounds to a woman who has raided her IRAs and flown across an ocean to get donor eggs so I won't go into detail about my annoyance with her. The problem is that because of my location I am pretty much stuck with this office as I am having some bleeding issues and do not want to spend multiple hours in a car to go elsewhere if I don't need to do so as it makes the bleeding worse. (right now it is mainly spotting and seems to be ok so I don't want to risk getting back to where I was over the weekend) This leaves me unable to get a sonogram until the 3rd so I have no idea if I have 1, 2 or 3 babies in there. I don't want to fight with the nurse over this if there is only 1 baby as the stress is not worth it but if there are 2 or more there is valid reason for concern.
I was supposed to get my progesterone levels checked if I had twins or more because my RE in Czech suspected progesterone issues in my past miscarriages but I will be over 7 weeks pregnant by the time I will be allowed to get a sonogram so this is an issue in my mind. The nurse says betas can't tell you anything about how many babies are in there but I know REs have made predictions based on beta levels and doubling times with a fair degree of accuracy.
In addition to this I am having a rough cycle because my stomach tends to be delicate and I was having vomiting issues due to the pills I took prepping for the cycle. At this point I am still on the pills so my stomach is a mess plus I have morning sickness. Prior to the transfer I had a couple of weeks where I could not hold down a normal diet and lost weight. Things are now worse. Food repulses me and in the past week I have lost 5 pound because I simply cannot eat enough no matter how hard I try. I have told her about the situation and her only advice is that I go to the ER if I can't hold down fluids for 2 days so I can get a fluids IV. Again it is not entirely her fault as she is not used to IVF patients or someone with my gastric issues but if there is only 1 it is not a big deal because as she put it "all women lose weight in their first trimester" but that is not supposed to be the case if you are carrying multiples. I read Dr Lukes book when I was pregnant with the twins I lost this spring and I know it is very important to be gaining weight in the 1st trimester if you have multiples and added to that I know I will have major problems gaining weight in my second and third trimester due to my gastric issues.
My symptoms are much stronger than even with my twin pregnancy and came on very early so I really do think its more than one baby but I can make neither heads nor tails out of the beta base site because my betas fall in all three options (1, 2 or 3 babies)
With the information I have provided does this look like a multiple pregnancy to the rest of you? If it looks like a singleton the just rest and wait plan is in my best interest but if not I think it might be worth the risk to either find another doctor or pt my foot down with that office.